Working Papers:
Air Pollution, Wildfire Smoke, and Worker Health (Joint with Marika Cabral)
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Computerization of White Collar Jobs (Joint with Eliza Forsythe), forthcoming, Journal of Labor Economics
Occupational Licensing and the Healthcare Labor Market (Joint with Tony Lo Sasso, Brian Phelan, and Michael Richards), forthcoming, Journal of Human Resources
Prior Authorization Requirements and Medicaid Enrollees’ Use of Tobacco Cessation Medications, Colorado, 2023 (Joint with Robin Mermelstein), American Journal of Public Health, 115(1), January 2025.
The Impact of Benefit Generosity on Workers’ Compensation Claims: Evidence and Implications (Joint with Marika Cabral), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 16(3), July 2024.
Gender Differences in Medical Evaluations: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Doctors (Joint with Marika Cabral), American Economic Review, 114(2), February 2024.
Evidence and Lessons on the Health Impacts of Public Health Funding from the Fight against HIV/AIDS, American Economic Review, 113(7), July 2023.
Effects of California’s Paid Family Leave Law on Caregiving by Older Adults (Joint with Joelle Abramowitz), Journal of Aging & Social Policy, June 2023.
When (and Why) Providers Do Not Respond to Changes in Reimbursement Rates (Joint with Lu Jinks and Tony Lo Sasso), Journal of Public Economics, 217, January 2023.
Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Part-Time Employment: Early Evidence (Joint with Carolyn J. Heinrich and Susan N. Houseman), Journal of Human Resources, 57(4), Fall 2022.
How Do Medicaid Expansions Affect the Demand for Health Care Workers? Evidence from Vacancy Postings, Journal of Human Resources, 57(4), Fall 2022.
Is Healthcare Employment Resilient and "Recession Proof"? (Joint with Andrew Friedson, Cong Gian, and Kosali Simon), Inquiry, 58, 2021.
Climate Change and Occupational Health: Are There Limits to Our Ability to Adapt?, Journal of Human Resources, 56(1), Winter 2021.
The Role of Mexican Immigration to the United States in Improved Workplace Safety for Natives from 1980 to 2015 (Joint with Melissa McInerney), Journal of Health Economics, 70, March 2020.
Does the Healthcare Educational Market Respond to Short-Run Local Demand? (Joint with Andrew Friedson, Cong Gian, and Kosali Simon), Economics of Education Review, 73, December 2019.
What Happens When the Insurer Can Say No? Assessing Prior Authorization as a Tool to Prevent High-Risk Prescriptions and to Lower Costs, Journal of Public Economics, 165, September 2018: 170–200.
English Skills and the Health Insurance Coverage of Immigrants, American Journal of Health Economics, 3(3), Summer 2017: 312–345.
Medicaid, Family Spending, and the Financial Implications of Crowd-Out, Journal of Health Economics, 53, May 2017: 1–16.
Health Insurance and Part-Time Work: Evidence from Massachusetts (Joint with Carolyn J. Heinrich and Susan N. Houseman), Labour Economics, 43, December 2016: 151–158. Cited in the 2017 Economic Report of the President.
The Impact of a Closed Formulary on Prescribing Patterns in the Treatment of Injured Workers, Economics Letters, 145, August 2016: 88–91.
The Effect of Medicare Eligibility on Spousal Insurance Coverage (Joint with Karen Mulligan), Health Economics, 25(5), May 2016: 591–605.
Social Security and Divorce, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 16(2), April 2016: 931–971.
The Effect of Health Insurance on Workers’ Compensation Filing: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act’s Age-Based Threshold for Dependent Coverage, Journal of Health Economics, 43, September 2015: 204–228.
Health Insurance and Labor Force Participation: What Legal Recognition Does for Same-Sex Couples, Contemporary Economic Policy, 33(2), April 2015: 381–394.
Do More Health Insurance Options Lead to Higher Wages? Evidence from States Extending Dependent Coverage, Journal of Health Economics, 36, July 2014: 84–97. Cited by President Obama in a 2016 JAMA article and cited in the 2017 Economic Report of the President.
The Death of Marriage? The Effects of New Forms of Legal Recognition on Marriage Rates, Demography, 51(2), April 2014: 563–585.
Improving the Implementation and Effectiveness of Out-of-School-Time Tutoring (Joint with Carolyn J. Heinrich, Patricia E. Burch, Annalee Good, Rudy Acosta, Huiping Cheng, Christi Kirshbaum, Hiren Nisar, and Mary Stewart), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 33(2), Spring 2014: 471–494.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Disparities in Health Care and Medical Evaluations by Gender: A Review of Evidence and Mechanisms, American Economic Association, Papers & Proceedings, May 2021. (Joint with Marika Cabral)
Workers’ Compensation: Analysis for Its Second Century, WEFocus book, 2017 (Joint with H. Allan Hunt). Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute.
The Current State of Workers’ Compensation: Benefit Adequacy, Return to Work, and Prevention, Employment Research, 24(3), 2017: 1–4 (Joint with H. Allan Hunt).
The Potential Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Disability Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Insurance, In The Economics of Health, Donald Meyer, ed. 2016: 81–102. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute.
Benefit Adequacy in State and Provincial Workers’ Compensation Programs, Employment Research, 21(4), 2014: 1–4 (Joint with H. Allan Hunt).